Glossary of CHeS Commonly Used Terms and Abbreviations
CHeS - Christian Homelearners eStreams
A community of like-minded folk who use their individual giftings to nurture Godly learning in a wide variety of contexts.
Planner - Our student data base where all learning and reporting on learning is organized and stored. Student Leanring Plans are housed here.
Messenger - CHeS inhouse communication/email system for reporting student learning or information to the teacher or SE Coordinator.
SLP - Student Learning Plan: A Documented plan prepared by a CHeS teacher, usually with family involvement, detailing intended resources, goals, form(s) of assessment, course content and assignments.
IEP - Individualized Education Plan: A document set up by the SE Team assigned to our special education students, detailing the student's unique information and need for specialized services, learning goals, adaptations, modifications, and assessment practices.
Formative Assessment - ongoing assessment feedback relative to student learning submissions.
Summative Assessment - final assessment at that end of a semester or school year.
MOE - Ministry of Education
BC's governing body for education
BC New Curriculum Learning Standards
Created by the Ministry of Education, this series of statements defines learning objectives for each grade and each subject.
Graduation Assessments - As part of the updated graduation requirements, students in the B.C. Graduation Program will complete three provincial assessments. These assessments focus on the demonstration and application of numeracy and literacy. The assessment schedule, samples, and registration details, are all available on the MOE webiste.
DPA - Daily Physical Activity - no longer required but a term some teachers/families still use
Ministry-required health-inducing activity. 30 minutes per school day / 150 minutes per week
IDS - Independent Directed Study
Secondary course that allows students to initiate, develop and complete their own courses under the supervision of a teacher. An IDS course must be based upon the learning standards of Ministry-authorized or Board/Authority Authorized Courses. Course design includes proposed goals, content, and form(s) of assessment. Students will document time spent. For every 30 hours documented the student will earn 1 course credit. One, two, three or four credits of selected studies may be earned for each IDS course reported.
WEX - Work Experience course at the Grade 12 level.