BC Adult Dogwood Program

If it’s your goal to graduate from high school, consider getting your Adult Graduation Diploma – even if you’ve already received a GED© or School Completion Certificate (Evergreen Certificate).

Adult learners (18 and older) can enroll in this program to take courses as credit towards their Adult Graduation Diploma.

You may also get credit recognition for current or past work competences or completed post-secondary training courses by undertaking a Prior Learning Assessment.  We can help with this step by reviewing your past work history to determine if it qualifies for course credit.

To graduate, students need to have credit for at least five courses.

If you don’t feel ready for Grade 11 and 12 courses, try upgrading first so that you have the skills needed to successfully complete the Adult Graduation Diploma requirements. Get assessed first – this will help you start at a course level that’s comfortable.

The Adult Graduation Program
Adults who have not yet met high school graduation requirements but would like to graduate with a BC Dogwood Certificate are required to complete 5 courses:

  • Language Arts 12 or a provincial or post‐secondary level English course
  • Mathematics 11 (Accounting 11 will meet this requirement) or an advanced or provincial or post‐secondary level Mathematics course
  • three grade 12 electives (One of these grade 12 electives may be Social Studies 11) or three additional courses at the provincial or post‐secondary level

Students engaging in this program may opt out of the Provincial exams.

The Full Graduation Program
Adults who have not met high school requirements, wish to graduate with a BC Dogwood Certificate,  may complete the full grade 11-12 course load. Students engaging in this program must write the Provincial Exams.

Students in either program may qualify for Prior Learning Assessment credits through equivalency, life experience, and/or work experience. Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is a process that enables people to gain recognition and credit for what they already know and can do. Methods of assessing PLA include: portfolio of evidence, projects and assignments, program evaluations, demonstration, oral questioning, and course exam challenge.