Course Activation/Engagement Policy
1. A student learning plan and agreement to this plan (and contact agreement) must be documented in your estreams planner by the following snapshot dates:
Fully Funded Students: Sept. 30th (1st submission)
1/2 Funded Students: Feb. 10-14 (2nd submission)
1/3 Funded Students: May 1 (3rd submission) - deadline for all high school course activation.
*High School SE (special education) students must have at least one subject activated/engaged by the snapshot date to qualify for full supplimental funding.
2. Courses must be activated in compliance with Ministry expectations. Activation learning evidence is required in this process. This evidence must be documented in the planner with a dated tangible sample of learning available in the notes. The assignment must be marked by the teacher and assessment linked to the learning standards of the course. The requirement looks different for K-7, 8-9, and High School, therefore take note of the details below.
i) K-7 – plan agreement by the snap shot date followed by engagement (activation assignments) in place within 2 weeks of this date. This is evidenced by learning notes in a minimum of 4 courses and a tangible sample of learning from at least two core subjects: English, Math, Socials, or Science. These assignments must to attached to the notes, assessed by the teacher, and linked to learning standards within the course (pie chart will turn from all red to some blue showing)
ii) 8-9 – Same requirements as K-7 only the number of courses showing engagement within 2 weeks of the snapshot must be at least 4 courses. We highly recommend all core subjects be included but non-core subjects may be part of the equation if the student has semester timing happening.
K-9 activation evidence must be:
- tangible/printable
- dated in the planner notes
- teacher directed & marked
- linked to course learning standards
iii) High School – plan agreement (HS plan tab) in place before courses are started – courses will not start until…
- Students have a course selections documented in their plan.
- For each course there must be a course plan or outline in place – indicating resources, assignments, timing goals, etc...
- The student must be engaged in each fundable course evidenced by a minimum tangible sample of learning that covers 5% of the learning standards for each individual course.
High School activation evidence must be:
- tangible/printable
- dated in the planner notes
- teacher directed
- marked by the teacher plus linked to course learning standards (use red % for the mark & blue for comments)
The note containing this learning evidence must also indicate in red: Activation complete: 5% or more of the course is explored.